Combat Veterans Anonymous
A fellowship of men and women who have the after-effects of war in our lives.
Meeting Weekly every Thursday @ 7 PM @ 5th and Oak St. Traverse City, MI
(The Friends Meeting House)We share our experience, strength, and hope with each other in order to deal more effectively with the after-effects of war in our lives.
The only requirement for membership is a sincere desire to make life better for ourselves and others.
We do not with to blame or compare experiences, but rather to understand how our experiences of war have impacted ourselves and others. WE thereby become free to heal, and accept full responsibility for our own lives today.
We are a self-supporting group through our own contributions. We are not allied with any sect, denomination, or institution, including the VA or any other veterans organization. We do not engage in any controversy nor endorse any cause.
Our primary purpose is to learn to deal with the effects of war on our own lives, and to help the veteran who may still be suffering.