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Tuesday, October 8, 2024

The Beautiful Truth about Trust, Forgiveness and Self Respect

 The Beautiful Truth about Trust, Forgiveness and Self Respect

Forgiveness is given only when it is earned. When someone has done wrong behavior toward you, you forgive them when they have truly made a sincere apology, and have made acts of contrition. Meaning they have made sincere changes in their behavior toward you going forward, indicating that they take responsibility for their actions. Otherwise they do not deserve forgiveness. And, the forgiveness given is empty, and merely an act of stuffing emotions that will resurface later.

Trust. Trust-Worthy behavior is proof that the person has really changed. Building trust takes time - more time than it takes to break it.

Trust Building:

  1. The trust-breaker admits they violated the truth-values that caused the breach in the trust, and owns up to the behaviors (takes responsibility for their behavior).
  2. The trust-breaker builds a solid track record of improved behavior over time.

Without the first step, there should be no attempt at reconciliation in the first place.

When we allow others to disregard our boundaries of behavior toward us, or do not have good boundaries for others behavior toward us, we compromise our self-respect. This impacts us in lowering our self-esteem. We are good people and others should treat us well, as we treat others well. Not speaking up when others are disrespecting our boundaries of good behavior, is allowing ourselves to be treated badly, and is an act of self-disrespect.

When others repeatedly disrespect our boundaries of good behavior, we lose trust in them.

Close relationships are built on a strong base of mutual trust built over time.

Trust is like a china plate. If you break it once, with some care and attention, you can put it back together again. But if you break it again, it splits into even more pieces and it takes far longer to piece together again. If you break it more and more times, eventually it shatters to the point where it’s impossible to restore. There are too many broken pieces and too much dust.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Sleep Good

 A common myth is that people can learn to get by on little sleep (such as less than 6 hours a night) with no adverse effects. Research suggests, however, that adults need at least 7–8 hours of sleep each night to be well rested. Indeed, in 1910, most people slept 9 hours a night. But recent surveys show the average adult now sleeps fewer than 7 hours a night. More than one-third of adults report daytime sleepiness so severe that it interferes with work, driving, and social functioning at least a few days each month.

Evidence also shows that children’s and adolescents’ sleep is shorter than recommended. These trends have been linked to increased exposure to electronic media. Lack of sleep may have a direct effect on children’s health, behavior, and development.

Friday, August 2, 2024


 The only person you need to forgive to heal is you! Make peace with you. Forgive yourself for any part of the bad thing that happened to you, that you feel you are responsible for causing. You don’t cause anyone to abuse you. That was their decision, and the responsibility for their behavior is on them. You don’t cause anyone to treat you badly.

And as far as forgiveness, you don’t need to forgive them to attain healing for yourself. You need to be kind, compassionate, caring, and forgiving to yourself. 

Absolutely, stop beating yourself up!!! 

They can seek forgiveness for their own self  - if they gain insight enough to acknowledge their own bad behavior and take responsibility for it.

Let them seek forgiveness with their own God/Goddess/higher power. That is their responsibility. 

You take good care of your beautiful self.

Amelia Hasenohrl, LPC, CHt. 

August 2, 2024

Monday, July 15, 2024

Being Assertive in Communication

 Great article on setting boundaries. 

Boundaries build our resilience and self confidence, lower our stress and keep us safe.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023


To Eat, Perchance To Sleep

When you eat, perhaps as much as what you eat, has a direct impact on sleep and wake cycles set by the brain.

Friday, September 8, 2023

Need Help Immediately