Currently Open

GT Hypno is Open and taking new patients. Sessions by appointment only.
Virtual TeleHealth sessions are available as well.
*This website is in the public domain.

Monday, November 9, 2009

See Video on ABC news: Diane Sawyer - The Power of Mind Control

View a short review of Hypnosis as Diane Sawyer explores hypnosis and the mind for ABC news. See video via link on Right side of this page:
"Hypnotherapy Website Links"

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Emotional Coping Strategies

Journaling – Write about your thoughts and feelings in a notebook. Retell your experience of what you thought, felt and experienced about an event in the greatest detail. Give yourself the permission to express your opinion without censoring or concerns about what others would think about what you’ve written. This notebook is for your eyes only and to share only if you wish to.

Letter Writing – Write a letter to someone with the intention that the letter will never be sent to them. This allows you to express your thoughts and feelings very truthfully as you are injuring no one with your candid expressions of how you feel and what you think.

Positive Affirmations / Positive Self Talk – Use positive statements of your goals and desires. Statements that are stated in the first person, and present time, in a positive manner. These statements are stated in such a way as if the goal is already accomplished.
(Examples: I am a Non-smoker; I eat healthy foods; I enjoy daily excercise; I am calm and relaxed).

Assertiveness – Practice stating how you feel about an event or interaction with another person. Use the formula: 1. Name the behavior. 2. State how that makes you feel. 3.State how you want their behavior to change. (Example: When you speak to me in that tone of voice, it makes me feel angry and defensive. Please use a calm tone of voice when you need to tell me how to do something).

Take Time – Take time to respond to an emotional situation. You do not have to respond to situations immediately. Taking time gives you a chance to sort out your feelings and make a choice about how you respond and what you choose to say to someone. Even if it takes a month or a year to sort out your feelings regarding an incident. It is never to late to return to the subject and process it, telling someone how you feel about it and the effect it had on you.

Amelia Hasenohrl, LPC, CHt. August 26, 2009
Licensed Professional Counselor

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Many Ways of Healing© by Okka

What if there were as many different approaches to healing and well-being as there are roads leading to Rome, and yet all healing would be self-healing?

Let us for a moment, think about health as a state of balance and illness or disease as a state of imbalance. And let us further assume that our body is capable of maintaining a state of balance. And even when we feel sick or are challenged with a disease, even then most of our billions and billions of cells are functioning properly and healthy. Our body somehow knows how to maintain a balance while constantly and simultaneously millions of inter- and intracellular processes take place. The simple fact that tears cried due to happiness have quite a different chemical consistence than tears cried from pain or grief shows us how amazingly differentiated our bodily responses are and how much inner wisdom our body has. And it is ours to access.

Now, when health is a state of balance and disease is a state of imbalance, and then healing is the process of re-turning to a balanced state. This means the body is working to re-establish harmony while using all available sources to reach this goal. Would it therefore be appropriate - and in a sense, be respectful toward ourselves, to see all healing as self-healing?

What would it be like when we were to change our point of view and intentionally utilize the healing powers within; while using the various forms of treatments and approaches as possibilities to assist us on the road of self-healing?

Through a study done by the Institute of Heart Math it was discovered that the DNA changes it shape according to feelings felt by the researchers. When gratitude, love, and appreciation were felt, the DNA responded by relaxing, the strands unwound and the DNA became longer. When the researchers felt anger, fear, frustration, or stress, the DNA responded by tightening up, becoming shorter and even switching off some of the DNA codes. This effect was reversed and the codes were switched on again when feelings of love, joy, and appreciation were felt by the researchers.

What have these results to do with healing and self-healing? Each cell in our body has a strand of DNA, within which - among many other things - the information of a healthy, properly functioning cell is located. And since we are in charge of what to think or feel, we can support our healing process by learning to relax - regardless of the environment - and use all our senses and abilities to envision and feel the perfect outcome.

By: Okka Holthuis /

Monday, June 22, 2009

Changes Your Body Goes Through When You Quit Smoking

Within 20 minutes of the last cigarette:· Blood pressure drops to normal· Pulse rate drops to normal· Body temperature of hands and feet increases to normal

8 Hours:· Carbon Monoxide level in blood drops to normal· Oxygen level in blood increases to normal

24 Hours:· Chances of a heart attack decreases

48 Hours:· Nerve endings start to re-grow

72 Hours:· Bronchial tubes relax, making breathing easier· Lung capacity increases

2 Weeks to 3 Months:· Circulation improves. Walking becomes easier· Lung function increases up to 30%

1 to 9 Months:· Coughing, sinus congestion, fatigue, shortness of breath is decreased· Cilia re-grows in lungs, increasing ability to handle mucous, clean the lungs, reduce infection· Body's overall energy level increases

5 Years:· Lung cancer death rate for average smoker (one pack a day) decreases from 137 per 100,000 people to 72 per 100,000

10 Years:· Lung cancer death rate for average smoker drops to 12 deaths per 100,000. Almost the rate of non-smokers· Pre-cancerous cells are replaced with healthy cells· Other cancers - such as those of the mouth, larynx, esophagus, bladder, kidney and pancreas decreases. (There are 30 chemicals in tobacco smoke that cause cancer.)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Be A Non Smoker with Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy is a fast easy way of stopping smoking without the use of chemicals, prescription durgs or patches. Many people stop completely after the first session. You can too. Stop smoking permanently for the same price you spend on cigarettes for the month, you could be completely smoke free.

The Success Rate:

  • 6% Will power alone
  • 10% Nicotene Replacement therapy (Patches)
  • 24% Aversion (negative stimulus) therapy
  • 29% Excercise and breathing
  • 30% Hypnotherapy CD/tapes with suggestions
  • 60% Single Session Hypnotherapy

Become a clean air breather in 4 sessions:

Session One: Outlining your personal goals, identifying your smoking habits and changing them, first hypnotherapy session, recieve your CD for self practice and reinforcement at home.

Session Two, Three & Four: Reinforcement, follow up of progress and customizing your program to address all your areas of concern.

It's a personal program to address your personal needs. Call and schedule today 231-590-7759